13. Markdown Syntax Practice

Markdown Syntax Practice


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Copy this code into a text editor with Markdown preview,
OR, you can use Dillinger (https://dillinger.io).

Rewrite this HTML as Markdown.
Take note of:
- How much less code you are writing.
- How readable Markdown vs. HTML is.

Once you're done, go ahead and submit.
You don't need to paste the code back in here.


<h1>My Fabulous Recipe</h1>

<p>This recipe for <strong>cereal and milk</strong> has been passed down my family for months.</p>


    <li>Cereal (you can find cool cereals <a href="www.example.com/coolcereals">here</a>)</li>


<p>If I were writing these out as <em>code</em>, it might look something like this:</p>

<pre><code>if bowl is empty:
    add cereal
if bowl only has cereal in it:
    add milk


Here's a link to the basic Markdown documentation. You can also check out the differences in GitHub flavored Markdown here.